I’m back! (Hopefully)


It’s been quite a while.  The missions trip to Costa Rica went well, which is good, then I spent the summer working as a computer programmer at Volvo Powertrain.  So that was pretty cool. Then, I promptly went off to college, didn’t do too great during the fall semester, but changed a lot of things for the spring and now I’m here….

It’s been a long time, but I’ve learned a lot.  I have a very good feeling about this summer – I finally have some spending money, and I have the feeling that great things will happen this summer.  Here’s hoping…

Costa Rica

I am leaving tomorrow for a week long missions trip to Costa Rica.

My entire senior class is going, and I have been looking forward to it for quite a long time.

We will spend our time in Costa Rica ministering to the kids there, as well as pouring a concrete foundation for a small youth center.  I pray that this will be a productive trip, and that good will come out of our work in Costa Rica.


I will post images and videos from the trip when I am able.

New Blog

Guess who just got his very own blog?


No, it wasn’t Doctor Seuss, I’m pretty sure he’s dead.


Did you guess yet?


Well, in case you’re slow, or British (just kidding! I love British-ish stuff!  (Oh, and Doctor Who!  Don’t ever cancel Doctor Who!)), the correct answer is Joss Steward.  Yes, I now have my own blog.  Most of you are probably saying “Who are you again?”  Well, the answer is simple, my name is Joss Steward, and you have probably never heard of me before.  But, that’s OK, everyone will know my name when I rule the world in a few years (or, at least, everyone will quake with fear when someone even utters “Joss”).

But seriously folks, my name is Joss Steward, and you have probably never heard of me.  But, none-the-less, this is my blog, and it is here that I intend to blog about the happenings in my life.  Wait, that would be boring, nevermind that.  It is here that I intend to blog about whatever the heck interests, intrigues, or otherwise baffles me.

I hope you find it interesting.  Or at least, you know, not boring.